terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

It's getting better and better

So, my weekend was great and the beggining of my week is even better than the last one! So here are my stories: On Friday I got late at school because I had to do a physical test to play basketball (indiana's state laws). Then I arrived at school in the middle of the gym class. Later in that day Mo had swimming so I had to wait while he was swimming because after swimming we were going to Logan's house. When we were on our way I discovered that Logan's dad have a pizzeria, and that we were going there! My reaction -> \o/ (hell yeah, I have a friend that can give me free pizza, envy me!). So the pizza was awesome, but it was a little too spicy for me... And then we went to Logan's house, what a gorgeous house. We had fun there playing call of duty MW3, watching tv, and browsing in the web, we also played chess and checkers(I won every game, even against Logan's dad... Americans really don't like logic games that much). On the other day we had to leave before lunch because we had to go to mason's basketball game, he did better in this one. Then we went home, I helped mo with his homework and we cleaned our room too. Then Rachel came over and we started talking and playing some Xbox dancing games. It was cool. On sunday we went to the Terra Houte's mall and I both two awesome shoes, pics in Facebook later, and some clothes. Later we got home and Bryan stared cooking some good stakes, because papa and nana(mom's parents) were coming, awesome dinner. So it was Monday morning and as ever I didn't wanted to get up... School was boring but I decided to make of this week my "pic week", I'm going to take pictures with and of all my friends and of my school, so this made my day... I had to wait till 6 o'clock to practice but it was totally worth it. The coach and the teammates liked me and I liked the practice so it was awesome. Later there were the swimming senior night, so all the swimmers that we're on their last year at high school made a party and was really cool: free pizza and cake \o/. I shouldn't be there but I was invited by almost all the people that make part of the swimming team so I went to it. When we got home I went straight to the shower and then for bed, I was really tired. Today school was ok and I Was really excited about the practice but it was cancelled due to a problem in the water pipe( my action -> D= ), but we got home earlier and that good too. So now I'm blogging and later I'll post pictures on Facebook about my life here. So, see ya later.

2 comentários:

  1. Gabriel

    Bem legal que você está gostando, nós também gostamos de ver tua adaptação, os hábitos são diferentes, mas tem coisas que só mudam de endereço.

    Por favor, quebra os parágrafos para facilitar a a leitura


    Amamos você.

  2. I am happy you are having a good time. I agree, difficult to read ;-)))) Post some pictures! bjs
